SIMPLetons are the next evolution of entrepreneur. Instead of wasting time, effort, and money on complicated strategies, Simpletons focus on the foundations of what works... and nothing else. We don't unnecessarily complicate things. We simplify, then we automate.
We are bold enough to stick to the fundamentals, even when the trends of the day tell us not to. We are not risk takers or speculators but rather we live by a core set of principles. Principles that deliver predictable results, make our businesses more resilient to market fluctuations, and allow us to more easily scale.
We are SIMPLetons. Are you?
There are times in life when a person looks at what they have and thinks to themselves "What the _____ happened?!?".
In the business world, this thought is most often brought on by the realization that things have become WAY too complex. That what worked in times past has evolved into something unworkable today.
It's the conundrum of business.
Simple becomes complex. Complex becomes ineffective.
Many philosophers have devised and theorized of the "solution" to this problem in business. And, many have made a great fortune selling these untested theories to the entrepreneurs and business leaders of their day.
But one does not need any fancy "solutions" to this problem.
You see, the problem is created by the solution. It's a backwards riddle.
The "solution" to scaling a business is most often thought to be more complex strategies. So, business leaders implement these solutions... and, in doing so, create their own problems.
Simplicity - a dedication to it - is the answer to these woes. The fundamentals of business are the key to unlocking revenue... and sanity.
So, if you'd like to open the doors of revenue and regain your sanity, know that you are not alone.
Many before you have walked the path, simplifying their life and business.
It's time for you to join us.
A Simpleton Is The Next Evolution Of Entrepreneur...
We Are Focused, Articulate, And Scientific In Everything We Do.
We Believe That Business Is A Tool For A Better Life, Not A More Chaotic One.
We Structure Our Businesses Around Simplicity and Scalability, And Do So With A Relentless Obsession With Sticking To The Foundations.
We Are Intentional, And Intentionally In Control.
We Position Ourselves As The Go-To Experts In Our Field, And Enjoy Customers Who Happily Pay Higher Prices Because Of It.
We Are Humble, Honest, And Generally Happy. These Characteristics Define Us And Differentiate Our Businesses.
We Are Simple, But Not Simplistic; We Recognize That The Most Sophisticated Things Often Come Across As The Most Simple... And That Is By Design.
Keep Sales Simple
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